Sunday, November 19, 2006

Collective Intelligence

wikipedia: "One CI pioneer, George Pór, defined the collective intelligence phenomenon as 'the capacity of a human community to evolve toward higher order complexity thought, problem-solving and integration through collaboration and innovation.'"

Henry Jenkins: "In the classic formulation, collective intelligence refers to a situation where nobody knows everything, everyone knows something, and what any given member knows is accessible to any other member upon request on an ad hoc basis. Levy is arguing that a networked culture gives rise to new structures of power which stem from the ability of diverse groups of people to pool knowledge, collaborate through research, debate interpretations, and through such a collaborative process, refine their understanding of the world. If Koster is suggesting that the "wisdom of crowds" works badly when confronted with the challenges of politics in a democratic society, Levy sees "collective intelligence" as a vehicle for democratization, feeling that it provides a context through which diverse groups can join forces to work through problems."

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